Resident Physician
McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University (SRAL) PM&R Program
Eric Villanueva, MD is a fourth-year resident at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University whose vocation is the improvement of quality of life for patients through the profession of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Born in Phoenix, AZ, he moved to Omaha, NE to complete a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Journalism at Creighton University, where he later matriculated into medical school and graduated in 2020. He completed his intern year in Internal Medicine at the University of Chicago - NorthShore. During the summer after his first year of medical school, he completed a two-month externship through the Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP) at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago, IL. Since then, his research interests have expanded within and outside the field of PM&R, including stroke rehabilitation, physician burnout, and cancer rehabilitation research. He subsequently was invited to present his poster “Symptomatic Orthostasis in CAR T-cell Patients undergoing Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Series” at the AAPM&R Annual Assembly in 2022. Since graduating from medical school, he has served on the AAP Resident/Fellow Council Well-Being Subcommittee and is now happy to chair the subcommittee as the Education/Well-Being Representative. Eric is grateful to the Academy for the opportunity to present his poster "Inpatient Rehabilitation Outcomes of Cancer Patients After Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Therapy" at the upcoming Annual Assembly. He is also excited to return to Omaha, NE in fall 2024 to begin his career in physiatry.